How much time do you spend on research for business opportunities?
As a business development professional, you are actively seeking partners for new products and technologies. That process takes an incredible amount of time.
With SmartChem, we aim to expedite the process by making information about chemical applications, patent data and details about your competition easily accessible.
You have more questions than answers:
Who is using this intermediate?
Is the API off-patent?
What is the dosage information?

After exploring several alternatives you are back to square one.
It takes too much time to research, cull, organize and make sense of this information.
The easier way is to subscribe to a chemical database that provides all the required information in one place, is convenient and cost-effective.
Is there any such database?
Yes, SmartChem.
Save Time With SmartChem
SmartChem unlocks new business opportunities, enables partnering with companies and suppliers, gives you information about competitors, helps you negotiate on prices and saves you time and resources.
Access a database that gives you all the information you want and more.
Find dosage information - in regulated and semi-regulated markets
Study your competitor's products
See patent expiry dates
Explore applications and current uses for your products
Why would you settle for less?
Access Business-Critical Information In Minutes, Not Hours
10 Good Reasons to Switch to SmartChem today
Get Commercial Intelligence
150,000 chemicals consumed by SMs Intermediates, End Products such as APIs, Agrochemicals, Flavours and more. Over 200,000 forward and backward relationships.
Access Contact Details
15,000 credible global suppliers with their Drug Master File [DMF], Veterinary Medicine Master Files [VMF] and Certificate of Suitability to the European Pharmacopeia [CEP] status, contact information, product lists and a wealth of other details.
Look Up Good Manufacturing Practices
WHO, EUDRA, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Warning letters (US-FDA); GMP, non compliance information from EUDRA & Canada.
Explore Regulatory Information
Access 145,000+ REACH Pre-registered, High-Concern, Prioritized and Authorized substances in Europe, US-DMF/VMF, Japan-DMF, CEP, Taiwan, South Korea, written confirmation, WHO databases.
Search for Raw Materials & Literature
Routes of Synthesis of APIs and advanced intermediates. Plus, reaction schemes.
Find Out Application Areas
Commercial end uses of intermediates from various industries.
Get Patent Expiry
US, Canada and Europe (SPC) Patent Expiry dates of top selling APIs.
Understand Dosage Information
Get US FDA details of APIs for Human and Veterinary Formulations.
Gather Emails Easily
Get a handy email tool that allows you to quickly select multiple target companies of your interest using filters and send emails to all of them.
Get After Sales Help
Can’t find what you need? Use the secure Update Requests form. Saves you significant time and effort.